Tera & Craig

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Can you tell us a little about how you met?

Craig and I met on a flight to Detroit about 11 years ago. He was sitting next to me and as soon as he started to talk, I knew he was my person.

What made you choose The Duke of Marlborough?

Craig loves the history of the region. He’s a pilot and has huge admiration for the early explorers and rabble-rousers. We wanted a place fit for kings but where rabble-rousers are made welcome! We think life feels most alive when you play a little outside the lines of “generally acceptable standards for human behaviour” and the Duke offered us all the class of a conventional wedding with a pirate’s spirit of play!

How did you find your experience planning your wedding at The Duke of Marlborough?

Easy! We got great vendor recommendations and were made to feel our wedding was very special and important. Even though the Duke staff deal with many different weddings every year, they excel at making each wedding feel very special and important. Because they do have a lot of experience, if you’re willing to leverage what they have learned over time, you can save yourself heaps of extra work and over-thinking. It was a dream wedding in every way!

What are your wedding highlights?

It was wonderful to have so many amazing family and friends together. The environment was perfect and people felt quite enchanted by the location, food, decor, and overall experience.

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